Google free proxy!

Google free proxy!
Access restricted web sites using Google language tools service as a proxy

Ok, we all know that Google is more than a search engine. Google is also a free nice proxy service you should try out :D. What's the purpose for Google as a proxy? We often use office/school/university connections, usually those services are set to provide more safety, blocking the access to undesired web sites (the "black list"). What you can do now is use Google translator service (language tools) as a proxy to bypass the restrictions set for our connection!
You just need to type the following URL:|en&
( stands for the URL you need to go to...)

As simple as that. The thing you should notice is langpair=en|en. If your native language is English, no problem. But if you are Italian, change it to langpair=it|it. So, you ‘ll get the same result guys. Because google translate the web to the same language :D